Are you interested in employment with Synergy? We are accepting applications for Experienced Groomers, Grooming assistants, receptionist and cashiers, cleaners and daycare attendants, and less frequently management. Applications for employment are available on the Indeed platform.However, some job posts do expire periodically. If you don’t see what you are hoping to apply for, we welcome a quick text message. We can direct you to next steps. We are growing quickly and are very busy! If you are in a hurry and have a short time frame in which you are available, please text us when you complete your application and let us know. We do our best to accomodate, and we do appreciate applicants who are understanding and willing to be flexible. If we schedule an interview with you and you are unable to make the interview, a simple text letting us know is required. We have such an amazing team at Synergy and we appreciate your interest. We would love to get to know you!
*Booth Rental and 1099 grooming positions are not available.*